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Today- A Sonnet

At   dawn, the sun emits  its golden rays.
Our earth again begins her mighty  trip
on orbit path. Through space and time it sways.
Today is  here . Let's hold it  in our grip.
Let's  pray to Christ  today , with faith and hope.
His spirit fills  the hearts of all who love.
Let's tie  his love, secure   it   with a rope
and reach  out,  gather  all the stars above.
 Lord,  fill our hearts  with  grace  till  life is done.
and  lead your lambs  from darkness to the light.
For us you come to earth  to   be  God's  Son
who cures the sick, restores the blind his  sight.
I do not mind the rough and  winding way.
if I  have God  to guide me through the day.
Agatha Lai