Aggie's Site

Any More

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Any More

Born away by the wind of change,
fallen leaves of yesterday adrift
across the pavement, the un-kept trail;
they haunt me no more...

The constellation still glitters far away ,
beyond the reach of this generation or next.

A night of silence is not really silent..
owl's hoot, or cicadas shrill call

still permeates, bewilders..

My poetry words of tomorrow
in stealth will feed my inner mind ;
But they have become sober now,
there's no heather ale in those words ..
as the bottles are all smashed and the wine
runs free into the gutter.. the soil..
Earth worms and ants are now drunk..

Do you smell its fragrance in the air ?

My words run free…
they need no nutritious treatment..
as doctors are not on house calls any more..
My phrases and clauses grin back at me
without spelling bee or grandma's kits.

He is still around, One whom I can trust;
Sadly, I don't speak His language any more...

19 July 2005


midnight , full of stars
begging the beautiful moon
to tarry, to stay
let's run in the rain
don't resist the passing whim
down into   water
sawdust on the floor
some drops of sweats on my face
a day's work complete
rise and fall of waves
passionate songs of the winds
the ocean awakes
sunlight dries the tears
from the dewy leaves and grass
a new day begins
